Get the best care for better health.

Abraham's Home Health Services works with physicians and care continuums to assist patients as they work towards independence. Some of the areas with which we can help are:

Skilled Nursing

Health care given when you need skilled nursing or skilled therapy to treat, manage, and observe your condition, and evaluate your care.

Diabetic Training

Drawing Blood and Lab Work

Dressing Changes

Family-Patient Health Teaching

IV Treatments

Respiratory Care

Rehabilitative Care

Supervision of Medications

Treatments and Injections

Wound Care

Physical Therapy

The aim of physical therapy is to relieve pain, help you move better or strengthen weakened muscles. Another important goal is to show patients what they can do themselves to improve their own health.

Pain Management

Post Surgery Care

Pre-Surgery Care

Education and Training in the Use of Assistive Devices


Body Mechanics

Exercise Programs

Improving Range Of Motion

Muscle Re-Education

Regaining Mobility

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy can help people who have difficulty speaking to communicate better and to break down the barriers that result from speech impediments. The goals of speech therapy include improving pronunciation, strengthening the muscles used in speech, and learning to speak correctly.



Dysphagia (Swallowing)


Adaptive Speech Devices

Aural (Hearing) Rehabilitation

Non-oral Communication

Home Speech and Language
Exercise Program

Patient Education

Communication Options/Alternatives

Eating and Swallowing Strategies

Speech Articulation Exercise

Aural Rehabilitation

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy enables people of all ages to participate in daily living.

Health Assessment

Body Mechanics

Basic Skills Evaluation

Basic Level Skills Education and Training

Device Assistance Training

Pain Management

Exercise Programs

Therapeutic Programs

Strength Enhancement

Balance Restoration

Sensory Functions Restoration

Social Services

Comprehensive programs to developed and achieve self-sufficiency and wellness.

Assistance with Alternative Living Arrangements

Case Management

Advance Directives (Power of
Attorney for Health Care or Living Will)

Community Resource Planning and Coordination

Short-Term Therapy

Crisis Intervention

Financial Assessment

Counseling with Lifestyle Changes

Coping with Loss and Change

Grief Counseling


Our skilled nurses provide assessment, monitoring for and education about many diseases and conditions, including diabetes, pulmonary conditions, cardiac-related diseases, vascular disease, orthopedic conditions and neuromuscular disorders. Our nurses also offer skilled  in-home care services for clients post-hospitalization, post-surgery and post-rehabilitation and assist with our patients’ medication management.

Our team of skilled nurses and therapists provides specialized care after cardiac procedures or for people living with cardiac conditions, such as high blood pressure or congestive heart failure. We also provide care to manage the symptoms of cardiopulmonary (heart- and lung-related) conditions by assessing your condition and home environment and teaching you about your diagnosis, medications and oxygen usage. While monitoring your progress, we will be in direct communication with your physician.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, our team of clinicians will instruct in the management of your diet, medications and blood sugar levels. Your physicians orders will be followed as we assist with required wound care or to help reduce the risk for falls due to weakness from your disease. Our clinicians will help to educate you about your diagnosis including blood sugar testing, exercise and diet, along with any additional individualized needs.

If you are living with COPD or another respiratory disease, our skilled nurses and therapists can teach you how to manage your symptoms and recognize changes in how you feel to help prevent episodes and reduce the need for hospitalization. They can provide education about medications, oxygen therapy and energy conservation to manage your symptoms to decrease your limitations and increase the quality of your life.

Our skilled nurses help assist as you manage your medications by developing an individualized plan of care to ensure you are taking the correct medication/dosage, while addressing any side effects you may have that prevent you from following the regimen prescribed by your physician.

You may require follow-up home care after an inpatient or outpatient surgical procedure, such as knee or hip replacement surgery. Our skilled nurses can help with post-operative wound care, suture/staple removal, pain management and nutritional planning. Our physical therapists help you rebuild strength and function, increase range of motion and can help with neuropathy and circulation problems. Our occupational therapists can assist so you can better manage day-to-day activities on your own.

Wound care can be a difficult thing to manage on your own. Our skilled nurses will assess your wound for changes, monitor healing, treat complications as ordered by your physician, and educate you and/or your caregiver about proper care to promote wound healing.

A diagnosis of cancer can require different types of care and our skilled nurses will be there for you throughout your treatment. Our nurses can provide physician ordered pain control, education and emotional support. Speech therapists occupational therapists put their skills to use as they help you manage problems that arise. Physical therapists help with range-of-motion issues and strength-building as your treatment progresses. You may be affected by social and emotional factors because of your diagnosis. Our medical social workers can refer you to community resources and assist you with coping with the demands of your illness.

A diagnosis of kidney disease can lead to the need for skilled nursing at home to assist you with medication management, education regarding your diagnosis, lab draws to assess function and diet management. Physical therapists work with you to build strength and endurance, and occupational therapists help you perform daily activities.

As you age, you may experience depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders due to grief, loss and changes in your body function and chemistry. Our skilled nurses, medical social workers and therapists can educate you to help ­identify effective coping skills, manage your emotions and nutrition and provide therapy so you can start feeling better.

If you have urological disorders, our skilled nurses can assist with catheter care and education, pre- and post-surgical needs, urine retention issues, bladder training and lab work.

We can assist home healthcare patients with diseases that affect the function of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system by teaching fall prevention techniques, pain and medication management and overall educational programs to support you and your caregiver. Our physical, speech and occupational therapists can provide assistance regaining some functionality following a stroke or with another diagnosis that limits mobility or affects the ability to self-perform daily activities.

Working as a team, our skilled nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists can evaluate, education and assist patients regarding risk factors that contribute to falling, including weakness, vitamin deficiencies, difficulties with balance, medication use and home hazards. A specialized program is then developed to provide recommendations and a treatment plan to help prevent falls.

High blood pressure is common, but being diagnosed requires vigilance because the condition significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Our skilled nurses help patients manage their conditions at home, monitoring medications and diet and helping patients exercise regularly, reduce stress and take advantage of educational tools and resources

Recovery from a stroke can involve overcoming multiple issues. These can include, but are not limited to, memory loss, deficits in coordination, problems with speaking, depression and paralysis. Our skilled clinicians help patients regain the ability to perform functional daily tasks independently. They can also point patients toward a wealth of educational resources.

Still have questions?

Don't hesitate to contact us. We are standing by ready to assist your home health care needs.